From a dear brother....
Have you ever wondered why the bible says sin entered the world through one "MAN" - when "Eve" was the first human to actually transgress the commandment of God not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil? Why then did Paul say that "sin entered the world" through "one MAN" (Adam) rather than through one woman, Eve????
Eve's role is not altogether forgotten, for Paul mentions her part also! I Timothy 2:14 highlights the difference between Adam's and Eve's actions. "And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived, fell into transgression." If Eve was the one who was deceived, and she transgressed the command first, before Adam, why isn't she fingered as the entry point of sin into the world?
Are you beginning to get it already? What's the difference stated so far? That's right! Eve was deceived and transgressed; Adam was not deceived and transgressed. Do you see the difference? It is HUGE!
Paul saw it by revelation and described it in his letter to the Romans in chapter 5. "Therefore, just as through one man, sin entered the world, and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men, because all sinned. - For until the Law sin was in the world, but sin is not imputed when there is no law. Nevertheless, death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over those who had not sinned according to the likeness of the transgression of Adam..."
Aha! If we can understand what is the "likeness of Adam's transgression, we will be nourished by the fresh bread being offered today. We already know what Adam's trangression was not like; it was not like Eve's - because she was deceived and HE WAS NOT! THAT'S IT!!!!!!! Do you see it now? Eve transgressed because she was deceived into doing so, but Adam sinned fully knowing what he was doing!
That is why Paul wrote this, which underscores the truth we need to lay hold of. " For as by one man's disobedience many were made [were constituted] sinners, so also by one Man's obedience many will be made [will be constituted] righteous." The likeness of Adam's sin is described here as DISOBEDIENCE not as having been deceived. The Greek language makes it even more clear by Paul's use of the word "para + akouo". This word literally means to "hear - aside". The Greek word for "obedience" is to "hear + under". The difference between Adam who "heard aside" and Jesus who "heard under" is this; the first Adam constituted many men sinners by his hearing aside and the last Adam constituted many righteous by His hearing under.
Eve was deceived by the serpent and transgressed God's commandment; Adam was not deceived by the Serpent but chose to IGNORE God's commandment. He "refused" to hear the commandment, and he did so without being deceived in any way. This word "para + akouo" (disobedience/hearing aside) is also used in Matthew 18 in this way: "But if he will "NOT HEAR" [parakouo/hears aside], take with you one or two more....And if he "REFUSES TO HEAR" [parakouo/hears aside] the church, let him be to you like a heathen and a tax collector."
How crucial it is for us to understand the difference between Eve's and Adam's transgressions. The action was the same - Eve -"she took some and ate it" - Adam -"and he ate it" but the heart behind the action is altogether different. There are several Greek words used to describe the full grown attitude of "hearing aside" [parakouo]. One of them is "ungodliness" from the Greek word [a (negative) + sebo - to revere (literally "to refuse to fall back")]. Refusing to "fall back", to recognize the authority and sovereignty of God is to become "ungodly/asebia." This word describes more of the heart attitude of defiance towards submitting onesself to God by falling back, "hearing under" [obeying] His word rather than "hearing aside" [disobeying] it. The other Greek word used to describe parakouo, "hearing aside", in its adult stage is "Lawlessness"! Lawlessness is a description of the relationship with the defiant individual to The Law of God which he so disregards that he defiantly transgresses it without repentance or remorse.
Transgressions may look the same from the standpoint of an external observation, but the difference internally is one of life and death. There is a sin not unto death, and there is a sin unto death. They may not look all that different on the outside, but that's not where God is looking is it? "The word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart."
The difference between Adam's and Eve's transgression can be seen in several other places as well. "If we sin willfully after having received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no sacrifice, but a fearful expectation of judgment and of raging fire that will consume the adversaries." In the same book of Hebrews we also read "For if the message spoken by angels proved steadfast and every transgression AND DISOBEDIENCE [parakouo] received a just reward, how shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation."
God will forgive the sinner who transgresses a command, then repents, confesses his transgressions, and begins to "hear under" (obey). God will never forgive the sinner who transgresses one command after another because he continues to "hear aside" (disobeys) without repentance unto the "obedience/hearing under" of faith.
It was Adam's "hearing aside" that constitutes men sinners after the likeness of his transgression. We should learn to appreciate the difference; it is a matter of life and death!
1. O Come, All Ye Faithful
3 months ago
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