"The tragedy today in Christendom is that the vast majority of Christians cannot discern between what is religious and what is spiritual. A lot of people think that if they have a lot of Bible knowledge they are spiritual. No, they are not, they're just religious. The devil is the most religious person in the universe, he knows more of the Bible than anyone else. It doesn't make him spiritual. We need to know this brothers and sisters. I see so many Christians meeting together for Bible studies and if that Bible study doesn't make you overcome your nature all that Bible study, I tell you in Jesus name, will only make you more like the devil. You can sit with your weekly Bible study meetings, Study Romans, Ephesians, Philippians, Hebrews, everything, study the Old Testament tabernacle, everything and you will only become more like the devil. You will still have a long way to go because he will still know more than you. The Word has to become flesh and I would rather have one word of Scripture become flesh in me than know all the scriptures and know where this reference is and that reference is and what this Old Testament thing symbolizes and the deeper meaning of Romans and Ephesians. That's not what I am interested in. It's Christ! The whole Scripture is meant to show me Jesus. And the Holy Spirit is come to make me like Him. Unless that becomes the passion of our heart we are not going to be able to build the type of church that God wants."
Quoted from a message titled "Secure in God our Father" by Zac Poonen that can be downloaded from this site. Look under Sermons and the series titled "A Heavenly Church".
The thought is clear and I can only say Amen!
Hi, Benoit family! It's lovely to hear from you as always! Thanks for praying for us last weekend-it's good to have friends that pray without being asked!I continue being challenged by Zac's message and that's good!
We hope to make it up to New York before too long and maybe we can meet up somewhere! There are lots of people we'd like to see of course,not sure how many will be reality...Melissa is holding out for us helping them move. I'm not sure that will exactly be enjoyable but.... Well,God bless you all richly!
Amen on the Word becoming flesh...there truly is a difference...
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